Source code for torchgan.models.conditional

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

from .dcgan import DCGANDiscriminator, DCGANGenerator

__all__ = ["ConditionalGANGenerator", "ConditionalGANDiscriminator"]

[docs]class ConditionalGANGenerator(DCGANGenerator): r"""Conditional GAN (CGAN) generator based on a DCGAN model from `"Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets by Mirza et. al. " <>`_ paper Args: num_classes (int): Total classes present in the dataset. encoding_dims (int, optional): Dimension of the encoding vector sampled from the noise prior. out_size (int, optional): Height and width of the input image to be generated. Must be at least 16 and should be an exact power of 2. out_channels (int, optional): Number of channels in the output Tensor. step_channels (int, optional): Number of channels in multiples of which the DCGAN steps up the convolutional features. The step up is done as dim :math:`z \rightarrow d \rightarrow 2 \times d \rightarrow 4 \times d \rightarrow 8 \times d` where :math:`d` = step_channels. batchnorm (bool, optional): If True, use batch normalization in the convolutional layers of the generator. nonlinearity (torch.nn.Module, optional): Nonlinearity to be used in the intermediate convolutional layers. Defaults to ``LeakyReLU(0.2)`` when None is passed. last_nonlinearity (torch.nn.Module, optional): Nonlinearity to be used in the final convolutional layer. Defaults to ``Tanh()`` when None is passed. """ def __init__( self, num_classes, encoding_dims=100, out_size=32, out_channels=3, step_channels=64, batchnorm=True, nonlinearity=None, last_nonlinearity=None, ): super(ConditionalGANGenerator, self).__init__( encoding_dims + num_classes, out_size, out_channels, step_channels, batchnorm, nonlinearity, last_nonlinearity, label_type="generated", ) self.encoding_dims = encoding_dims self.num_classes = num_classes self.label_embeddings = nn.Embedding(self.num_classes, self.num_classes)
[docs] def forward(self, z, y): r"""Calculates the output tensor on passing the encoding ``z`` through the Generator. Args: z (torch.Tensor): A 2D torch tensor of the encoding sampled from a probability distribution. y (torch.Tensor): The labels corresponding to the encoding ``z``. Returns: A 4D torch.Tensor of the generated Images conditioned on ``y``. """ y_emb = self.label_embeddings(y.type(torch.LongTensor).to(y.device)) return super(ConditionalGANGenerator, self).forward(, y_emb), dim=1) )
[docs] def sampler(self, sample_size, device): return [ torch.randn(sample_size, self.encoding_dims, device=device), torch.randint(0, self.num_classes, (sample_size,), device=device), ]
[docs]class ConditionalGANDiscriminator(DCGANDiscriminator): r"""Condititional GAN (CGAN) discriminator based on a DCGAN model from `"Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets by Mirza et. al. " <>`_ paper Args: num_classes (int): Total classes present in the dataset. in_size (int, optional): Height and width of the input image to be evaluated. Must be at least 16 and should be an exact power of 2. in_channels (int, optional): Number of channels in the input Tensor. step_channels (int, optional): Number of channels in multiples of which the DCGAN steps up the convolutional features. The step up is done as dim :math:`z \rightarrow d \rightarrow 2 \times d \rightarrow 4 \times d \rightarrow 8 \times d` where :math:`d` = step_channels. batchnorm (bool, optional): If True, use batch normalization in the convolutional layers of the generator. nonlinearity (torch.nn.Module, optional): Nonlinearity to be used in the intermediate convolutional layers. Defaults to ``LeakyReLU(0.2)`` when None is passed. last_nonlinearity (torch.nn.Module, optional): Nonlinearity to be used in the final convolutional layer. Defaults to ``Tanh()`` when None is passed. """ def __init__( self, num_classes, in_size=32, in_channels=3, step_channels=64, batchnorm=True, nonlinearity=None, last_nonlinearity=None, ): super(ConditionalGANDiscriminator, self).__init__( in_size, in_channels + num_classes, step_channels, batchnorm, nonlinearity, last_nonlinearity, label_type="required", ) self.input_dims = in_channels self.num_classes = num_classes self.label_embeddings = nn.Embedding(self.num_classes, self.num_classes)
[docs] def forward(self, x, y, feature_matching=False): r"""Calculates the output tensor on passing the image ``x`` through the Discriminator. Args: x (torch.Tensor): A 4D torch tensor of the image. y (torch.Tensor): Labels corresponding to the images ``x``. feature_matching (bool, optional): Returns the activation from a predefined intermediate layer. Returns: A 1D torch.Tensor of the probability of each image being real. """ # TODO(Aniket1998): If directly expanding the embeddings gives poor results, # try layers of transposed convolution over the embeddings y_emb = self.label_embeddings(y.type(torch.LongTensor).to(y.device)) y_emb = ( y_emb.unsqueeze(2) .unsqueeze(3) .expand(-1, y_emb.size(1), x.size(2), x.size(3)) ) return super(ConditionalGANDiscriminator, self).forward(, y_emb), dim=1), feature_matching=False )